Not mentioned on my resumé is my upcoming project to tackle the traveling salesman problem. I'm going to be implementing my own algorithms that find close to but non-optimal solutions to the traveling salesman problem. The purpose is to give myself an opportunity to learn Python.
Enter a food name or a URL with a recipe and get a calorie count. My contributions to chrome calories include checking user's API credentials to make sure they've set up their API key and giving appropriate feedback. Also implementing other feedback for error handling. On top of that writing the asynchronous functions that link the web scraping to the API calls and display.
Textris Untexted(my tetris clone) originally started as my own text-based version of tetris. I decided that wasn't good enough, which inspired me to add graphics. Textris Untexted now uses openGL to display gameplay. It's not entirely finished and more core features will be implemented.